Ethics for Graduate Researchers A Cross-Disciplinary Approach

Image of the book cover for 'Ethics for Graduate Researchers'
Author: Cathriona Russell, Linda Hogan, Maureen Junker-Kenny
Affiliation: University of Dublin, Trinity College; Dublin, Ireland
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN 10: 0124160492
ISBN 13: 9780124160491
eISBN: 9780123914842
Edition: 1st
This is an edited collection that is intended both as a primer for core concepts and principles in research ethics and as an in-depth exploration of the contextualisation of these principles in practice across key disciplines. The material is nested so that readers can engage with it at different levels and depths. It is unique in that it combines an analysis of complex ethical debates about the nature of research and its governance, with the best of case-based and discipline-specific approaches. It deals with the following topics in depth: in the natural sciences it explores the scientific integrity of the researcher and the research process, human cloning as a test case for the limits to research, and the emerging ethical issues in nanotechnology; in the health sciences it takes up the question of consent, assent and proxies, research with vulnerable groups and the ethics of clinical trials; in the social sciences it explores the issues that arise in qualitative research, interviews and ethnography; and in the humanities examines contested archaeologies and research in divided societies.
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