Obstetric Triage and Emergency Care Protocols This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Obstetric Triage and Emergency Care Protocols'
Author: Diane Angelini, EdD, CNM, NEA-BC, FACNM, FAAN, Donna LaFontaine, MD, SANE
Affiliation: Alpert Medical School, Brown University
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN 10: 0826108903
ISBN 13: 9780826108906
eISBN: 9780826108913
Edition: 1st
This up-to-date handbook of narrative practice protocol/guidelines for use in obstetric triage and emergency settings provides speedy access to critical information needed by healthcare providers in obstetrics, midwifery, emergency medicine, and family care medicine. It includes narrative practice protocols that offer point of service management guidelines, diagnostic parameters, ultrasound imaging and other diagnostic modalities, and easy to follow algorithms and tables in each chapter. This information will enable practitioners to easily recognize and understand symptomatology, lab results, diagnostic imaging and clinical workings. Chapters address over 30 clinical conditions and are consistently organized to include presenting symptomatology, history and data collection, physical exam findings, lab and imaging studies, differential diagnosis and clinical management and follow up. The book disseminates the contributions of expert midwives, nurse practitioners, obstetricians, gynecologists, and radiologists who evaluate more than 30,000 obstetric visits each year.
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