NURSING DIAGNOSES 2015-2017 Definitions and Classification This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'NURSING DIAGNOSES 2015-2017'
Author: T. Herdman, PhD, RN, FNI, Shigemi Kamitsuru, PhD, RN, FNI
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1118914937
ISBN 13: 9781118914939
eISBN: 9781118914908
Edition: 10th
Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification is the definitive guide to nursing diagnoses, as reviewed and approved by NANDA-I. The 2015-2017 edition of the classic and internationally recognised text has been rigorously updated and revised, and now provides more linguistically congruent diagnoses as a result of the Diagnostic Development Committee’s attentiveness to understanding the translation of the diagnostic label, definition, defining characteristics, related factors and risk factors. Each of the 235 diagnoses presented are supported by definitions as well as defining characteristics and related factors, or risk factors. Each new and revised diagnosis is based on the latest global evidence, and approved by expert nurse diagnosticians, researchers and educators.
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