DSM-5 MADE EASY The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'DSM-5 MADE EASY'
Author: James Morrison
Affiliation: Oregon Health and Science University, Portland
Publisher: Guilford Press
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1462514421
ISBN 13: 9781462514427
eISBN: 9781462516001
Edition: 1st
In this indispensable book, master diagnostician James Morrison presents the spectrum of diagnoses in the DSM-5 in an accessible, engaging, clinically useful format. Demystifying DSM-5 criteria without sacrificing accuracy, the book includes both ICD-10-CM and ICD-9-CM codes for each disorder. More than 130 detailed case vignettes illustrate typical patient presentations; down-to-earth discussions of each case demonstrate how to arrive at the diagnosis and rule out other likely possibilities. Providing a wealth of diagnostic pointers, Morrison writes with the wisdom and wit that made his guide to the prior DSM a valued resource for hundreds of thousands of clinicians.
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