DSM-5 Self-Exam Questions: Test Questions for the Diagnostic Criteria This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'DSM-5 Self-Exam Questions: Test Questions for the Diagnostic Criteria'
Author: Philip Muskin, M.D.
Affiliation: Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1585624675
ISBN 13: 9781585624676
eISBN: 9781585625345
Edition: 1st
DSM-5T Self-Exam Questions: Test Questions for the Diagnostic Criteria will be useful to a wide audience of teachers, students, clinicians, and all professionals seeking to fully understand the changes made in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. This DSM-5T companion book includes detailed questions and answers to both broaden and deepen the reader's knowledge of DSM-5T and to promote learning of current diagnostic concepts and classification. The text is logically organized around concepts, disorders, and criteria in DSM-5T and is replete with over 300 questions and answers covering conceptual changes, specific changes to diagnoses, and diagnostic criteria. Features of the book include straightforward questions that test the reader's knowledge of DSM-5T and short answers explaining the rationale for each correct answer. The text covers each disorder in DSM-5T and contrasts the diagnoses in the new edition with those of its predecessor, DSM-IV-TRr , as well as providing several appendices with valuable information on diagnostic classifications, criteria sets, diagnoses, and codes. Mental health professionals, including clinicians, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, teachers, students, residents, and social workers, will find DSM-5T Self-Exam Questions: Test Questions for the Diagnostic Criteria to be a comprehensive, indispensable volume.
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