HANDBOOK OF EEG INTERPRETATION This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'HANDBOOK OF EEG INTERPRETATION'
Author: William Tatum, IV, DO
Affiliation: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1620700166
ISBN 13: 9781620700167
eISBN: 9781617051807
Edition: 2nd
A trusted resource for anyone involved in EEG interpretation, this compact handbook is designed for on-the-go reference. Covering the essential components of EEG in clinical practice, the book provides graphic examples of classic EEG presentations with essential text points of critical information to enhance reading skills to aid in improving patient outcomes. Authored by prominent experts in clinical neurophysiology, this second edition is updated to reflect current advances in ICU and intraoperative monitoring and includes new chapters on polysomnography, status epilepticus, and pediatric EEG.
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