CPT 2015 Standard Edition This title has been archived.
Author: Michelle Abraham, MHA, CCS-P, Jay Ahlman, Angela Boudreau, Judy Connelly, Rick Crosslin, Biljana Dimovski, MS, RHM, CDC, Desiree Evans, AAS, Lauren Feldman, DeHandro Hayden, BS, Nadia Khalid, MJ, RHIA, RMM, Lia Levreau-Davis, MBA, CCP, Elizabeth Lumakovska, MPA, RHIT, Janette Meggs, RHIA, Marie Mindeman, BA, RHIT, Karen O’Hara, BS, CCS-P, Mary O’Heron, RHIA, Danielle Pavloski, BS, RHIT, CCS-P, Desiree Rozell, MPA, Nancy Spector, BSN, MSC, Lianne Stancik, RHIT, Asif Syed, MD, MPH, Ada Walker, CCA, Arletrice Watkins, MHA, RHIA, Rejina Young
Publisher: American Medical Association
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1622020278
ISBN 13: 9781622020270
eISBN: 9781622021123
Edition: 1st
Publisher: American Medical Association
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 1622020278
ISBN 13: 9781622020270
eISBN: 9781622021123
Edition: 1st
Correct reporting and billing of medical procedures and services begins with CPT. 2015 Standard Edition. The AMA publishes the only CPT codebook with the official CPT code guidelines developed by the CPT Editorial Panel. Features and Benefits: A comprehensive and updated index helps you in locating codes related to a specific procedure, service, anatomic site, condition, synonym, eponym or abbreviation. Anatomical illustrations aid coders in understanding the anatomy mentioned with the codes. Alphabetical tabular listing of most analytes in the Pathology and Laboratory section eases your code search by directing you to applicable molecular pathology codes based on a specific analyte. Increased granularity in Molecular Pathology improves your ability to assign the proper code for a laboratory procedure. Summary of additions, deletions and revisions provides a quick reference to 2015 changes without having to refer to previous editions. Multiple appendixes offer quick reference to additional information and resources that cover such topics as modifiers, clinical examples, add-on codes and vascular families.
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