Handbook of ICU EEG Monitoring This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Handbook of ICU EEG Monitoring'
Author: Suzette LaRoche, MD
Affiliation: Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN 10: 1936287390
ISBN 13: 9781936287390
eISBN: 9781617050787
Edition: 1st
The emerging technology of continuous EEG monitoring in intensive care units gives practitioners the ability to identify malignant EEG patterns quickly and provide more effective care. Handbook of ICU EEG Monitoring encompasses the wide range of technical and clinical issues involved in the successful monitoring of critically ill patients to detect significant changes in cerebral function and prevent serious neuronal injury. Divided into five sections, the handbook covers EEG acquisition and other technical considerations, clinical indications, EEG interpretation, appropriate treatment, and practical and administrative concerns.
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