Fast Facts: Managing Immune-Related Adverse Events in Oncology

Image of the book cover for 'Fast Facts: Managing Immune-Related Adverse Events in Oncology'
Author: Helen Westman, RN MN (Oncology) MPH, Malinda Itchins, BMedSci MBBS FRACP PhD, Bernardo Rapoport, MD
Publisher: Karger
Publication Date: 2023
ISBN 10: 3318072478
ISBN 13: 9783318072471
eISBN: 9783318072716
Edition: 2nd
Fast Facts: Managing Immune-Related Adverse Events in Oncology, 2nd edition, provides an overview of immuno-oncology and an update on immune checkpoint inhibitors and their associated toxicities, alongside the principles of diagnosing and managing immune-related adverse events, important nursing care considerations and a set of convenient management summaries for quick reference. As such, it is essential reading for all members of the cancer care team.
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