Handbook of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention

Image of the book cover for 'Handbook of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings'
Author: Christine Hunter, Christopher Hunter, Rodger Kessler
Affiliation: National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, MD
Publisher: Springer Nature
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 0387098151
ISBN 13: 9780387098159
eISBN: 9780387098173
Edition: 1st
Builds upon the Handbook of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (1991), edited by Rozensky, Sweet, and Tovian. Translates research into evidence-based practice recommendations that are geared to real-world patient assessment and treatment and creates practical, hands-on tools that clinicians can directly apply to patient care. This book builds on the excellent foundation provided in the earlier book by addressing areas of overlap and divergence in assessment and intervention skills used across medical settings. The book addresses areas of practice that are unique to various settings, such as understanding the medical culture and reimbursement issues that drive modern practice. In addition to providing a solid update of the evidence, the current book includes practical clinical advice for operationalizing and adapting the existing data to practical applications. In short, this book aims to maintain the strengths of the earlier volume and address the weaknesses of current handbooks.
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