Carcinoma of the Bladder

Image of the book cover for 'Carcinoma of the Bladder'
Author: David MacVicar
Affiliation: Royal Marsden Hospital; Sutton, UK
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Date: 2008
ISBN 10: 052188456X
ISBN 13: 9780521884563
eISBN: 9780511545399
Edition: 1st
Bladder cancer is a common and dangerous malignancy which is associated with a variety of known and unknown environmental factors. Clinical management and surgical techniques prioritise detection and treatment of early tumours, which form the majority of newly diagnosed cancers. Imaging is central to establishing the presence of more advanced disease, for which a variety of treatment options exist, including radical curative surgery with or without bladder reconstruction, radiation therapy with curative or palliative intent, and systemic or local chemotherapy. Imaging techniques continue to evolve and this volume explores the relevance of CT with multidetector array, MRI, and computer-based reconstructions such as `virtual cystoscopy' to treatment choices in today's practice. A review of follow-up strategies and the imaging appearances of treated disease is presented, along with descriptions of modern surgical techniques, radiotherapy and chemotherapy regimens.
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