Sports Nutrition for Health Professionals

Author: Natalie Muth, MD, MPH, RD, CSSD, FAAP, Michelle Zive, PhD, MS, RD
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 0803676123
ISBN 13: 9780803676121
eISBN: 9780803676138
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 0803676123
ISBN 13: 9780803676121
eISBN: 9780803676138
Edition: 2nd
Features the unfolding case studies of six different clients to illustrate major nutritional principles and how they apply in practice, including a series of assessments by a variety of health professions and self-administered tests designed to evaluate and optimize their nutritional status.
*Evaluating the Evidence boxes, in which students learn to think critically to understand, interpret, and use the results of peer-reviewed research studies.
*Speed Bumps—or review questions highlighting the major points of the preceding several paragraphs—to help students stop and comprehend what they just read
*A Key Points Summary at the end of each chapter that distills the main learning points from the chapter into a succinct list of critical take-home points.
*Addresses the role of nutrition in each major allied health profession and highlights its relevance to that field throughout the text.
*Develops the knowledge base practitioners need to educate their clients about the relationship between nutrition and exercise, including new foods, supplements, and special diets, as they relate to their particular scope of practice.
*Uses a consistent organization in each chapter to make learning easier, including learning objectives, illustrations, summary of major points, and case-based, multiple-choice questions to assess progress.
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