Pocket Guide to Urology

Image of the book cover for 'Pocket Guide to Urology'
Author: Jeff Wieder, M.D.
Publisher: J. Wieder Medical
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN 10: 0967284570
ISBN 13: 9780967284576
eISBN: 9780111055014
Edition: 6th
Since the first edition was released in 1999, the Pocket Guide to Urology has become one of the most popular urology texts. Over 35,000 copies of the Pocket Guide to Urology have been printed and distributed worldwide (over 45 countries on 6 continents). The 6th edition is currently for sale. The 6th edition of the Pocket Guide to Urology is a comprehensive evidence-based reference book that emphasizes clinical guidelines, consensus statements, and landmark studies. Information is compiled and is presented in a thorough, organized, and logical format. Each chapter contains detailed references. The 6th edition of the Pocket Guide to Urology contains a plethora of new information.
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