A Nurse's Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Dissertation or Scholarly Project

Publisher: Sigma Theta Tau International
Publication Date: 2023
ISBN 10: 1646480635
ISBN 13: 9781646480630
eISBN: 9781646480654
Edition: 3rd
This is a book about writing your dissertation or scholarly project. It is intentionally small because the last thing a doctoral student needs is another doorstop-sized book to buy, read, and lug around. This is a step-by-step guide to help you write your dissertation or scholarly project. It will not help you design or conduct research or quality improvement initiatives, but it will help you plan, document, organize, and write your dissertation or scholarly project. This book takes you step by step through writing your dissertation or scholarly project, with chapters that correspond exactly with the chapters of a dissertation or scholarly project. There's no fluff here-no attempt to make the book look bigger to attract attention. All this book intends to do is to help you successfully write your dissertation or scholarly project, and does so in a succinct and logical way, with only the occasional interruption for important tips gleaned the hard way.