Taking Action Top 10 Priorities to Promote Health Equity and Well-Being in Nursing

Publisher: Sigma Theta Tau International
Publication Date: 2023
ISBN 10: 1646482026
ISBN 13: 9781646482023
eISBN: 9781646482030
Edition: 1st
The crucible of the global pandemic, racial injustice, and a crippling nursing shortage has sparked increasing calls for nursing to address its own problems from inequity to structural racism. In response, authors Susan B. Hassmiller and Gaea A. Daniel enlisted nearly 70 national and international nursing leaders to tackle the most pressing issues confronting the profession. Taking Action: Top 10 Priorities to Promote Health Equity and Well-Being in Nursing spotlights 10 critical themes through data, essays, discussion points, and action items, equipping readers to move beyond conversation to action. Issues or themes include: Health equity Education reform Diversity and mentorship Care delivery: quality, safety, access Multi-sector collaboration Preparing for disasters and public health emergencies Innovation and entrepreneurship Nurse well-being: compassion for self and others Global stewardship Nursing's voice in leading change