Headache Medicine This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Headache Medicine'
Author: Dara Jamieson, MD
Affiliation: Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN 10: 1933864362
ISBN 13: 9781933864365
eISBN: 9781935281146
Edition: 1st
Headache is the number one complaint that causes a patient to see a neurologist. Because headaches constitute such a large part of many clinicians' practices, the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties created an annually-administered headache subspecialty exam in 2006. Headache Medicine: Questions and Answers is the only question-and-answer book for the new headache subspecialty exam, with more than 500 questions, answers, explanations, and references to help readers self-assess their knowledge and to prepare for the subspecialty exam, as well as the neurology Board examination.
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