Practical Approach to Electromyography An Illustrated Guide for Clinicians This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Practical Approach to Electromyography'
Author: Peter Siao, MD, Didier Cros, MD, Steve Vucic, MBBS (Hons I), PhD, FRACP
Affiliation: Harvard Medical School
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN 10: 1933864230
ISBN 13: 9781933864235
eISBN: 9781617050053
Edition: 1st
Practical Approach to Electromyography is a pictorial guide to performing and interpreting EMG studies. This step-by-step manual contains tips for working up clinical problems typically encountered in the EMG laboratory and highlights technical aspects and potential pitfalls of sensory and motor nerve conduction studies. Hundreds of photographs and drawings illustrate proper placements of recording and stimulation electrodes and insertion of needle electrodes into the various muscles. The authors also provide sets of normal values and instruction on how to write and interprete an EMG report. Practical Approach to Electromyography is a practical visual reference for both novices and experienced electromyographers.
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