Masquerading Symptoms Uncovering Physical Illnesses That Present as Psychological Problems

Image of the book cover for 'Masquerading Symptoms'
Author: Barbara Schildkrout
Affiliation: Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 0470890657
ISBN 13: 9780470890653
eISBN: 9781118221013
Edition: 1st
This practical resources provides mental health professionals with quick access to the signs, symptoms, and patterns of medical diseases that may be "causing" or complicating their clients' psychologically presenting problems. Organized by symptoms noted during mental status assessment and cross-referenced to several possible physical disorders, this book provides solid guidelines that balance a client's physical and mental needs and prepares clinicians to quickly and accurately identify patients who may have an underlying physical ailment and need a referral to a medical doctor for a more thorough and targeted medical examination.
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