Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

Image of the book cover for 'Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice'
Author: American Nurses Association
Publisher: American Nurses Association
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN 10: 1947800396
ISBN 13: 9781947800397
eISBN: 9781947800403
Edition: 3rd
The premier resource for today’s holistic nurses, Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd Edition is informed by the advances in health care and professional nursing today. This new edition of the publication contains information on core role accountabilities, role qualifications, ethics in holistic nursing, along with trends, issues and opportunities that every holistic nurse must know. Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd Edition covers the full extent of holistic nursing practice needs in any setting or role and at any level of influence and authority. This specialty’s core accountabilities illustrate that depth and breadth of practice: Safety, quality, and risk management Patient and population health advocacy Clinical care delivery and optimal patient outcomes Healthy work environments Strategic, financial, and human resource management Legal and regulatory compliance Networking, partnering, and collaborating Accountability/advocacy for their employees The publication also addresses 17 updated national standards, which offer a framework for evaluating practice outcomes and goals, as well as for what is expected of all gerontology nurses, and its scope of practice specifies the who, what, where, when, why, and how of their practice. This new book is a must-have for the aspiring or practicing holistic nurse, or any registered nurse.
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